Cheap Bastard

I’ve decided to christen my primordial Modular ‘The Cheap Bastard’. It reveals a philosophy – to build a great noisemaker for minimal cost. It may not seem inexpensive, but in the modular synth world, cheap is relative. Think of it as a lifelong journey.

Here’s where I document it’s construction.

Current Status:

Total Cost to Date (Euro): 609

The Process:

  1. Rast and Baugruppenträger
  2. Power Supply conundrum
  3. No need for Baugruppenträger
  4. Busboards are easy

More to come…

Running cost breakdown with product links:

Mutable Instruments Anushri – 199 euro (excl. Facepalte)
D:Machinery Little Dieter – 141 euro
2 x Hexinverter ‘The Postman’ Quad EG – 23 euro (PCB excl. parts)
2 x L-1 Microcompressor (Stereo Linked) – 76euro (PCB + Tube + SMD work)
L-1 Tube VCA – 35 euro (PCB excl. parts)
Modded Korg Monotron Delay – 35 euro

Yikes! Not enough space already! Here are the other module PCBs I’ve ordered:

Hexinverter Liquid Hihat – 11.50 euro (PCB excl. parts)
Hexinverter Battery Acid – 8euro (PCB excl. parts)

Power Supply:
+5 +/-12 60 watt Power Supply Unit – 29euro

Ikea RAST – 12euro
Vector rails (from Baum..) – 4 x 6.55 = 26 euro
Thread Strips (4 pack) – 7.50
Thread screws (2 x20 pieces) – 6.40euro

3.5 and 6.3mm TR/TRS Audio plugs
Audio cable

Smile on my face – priceless
