Tempest Recipes


Here are my collected notes on synthesis with the DSI Tempest.

Note: This series is now concluded. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement – they wouldn’t have been written otherwise.

Here are some sysex kits and sounds I remembered to backup before I sold my Tempest.

Good luck Tempesters! 🙂

  1. First things first – what you MUST know.
  2. Bass Drums part 1
  3. Cowbells
  4. SID sounds
  5. HiHats, shakers, zaps
  6. 1-Voice Chords
  7. Snare drums
  8. Tom-Toms
  9. Apito – The Samba Whistle
  10. Donk Bass
  11. Sub-bass
  12. Bass Drums Part 2
  13. Congas
  14. Tuned woods, sidesticks and clicks
  15. Bells and alien idiophones
  16. Claps