Camstudio – optimal Youtube settings

These settings ensure best quality (HD) and no loss of audio sync.

Video settings:

  • Use the Camstudio Lossless codec.
  • Key Frames every 25 frames.
  • Capture Frames every 40 msPlayback rate 25 frames / sec.
  • Allow drag corners to pan.

Audio settings:

Ground loop woes, s/pdif questions

Yesterday, while still getting aquainted with the ESU1808, i wasn’t paying too much attention to background noise. However, I was still aware of  a ground loop caused by the laptop which was particularly evident when the monitor levels were above 12Oclock. Today i investigated further.

Maybe I had fresh ears, but it seemed worse this morning. Although I knew the source was the laptop, I thought the solution might be in the cabling. So I switched around a few balanced/unbalanced connections. Interestingly, the FS1R was a major contributor to the ground hum.  Even so, unplugging the laptop always killed the hum, so I knew I had to deal with it.

Step one was to go out and buy a power conditioner / surge protector strip with in-built interference filter. No improvement.

Step two…. I ‘lifted the ground’ on the laptop plug and – voila – problem solved. Must find a safer alterative.

Next I checked the s/pdif connection from the XL-7 into the 1808. Input is detected and the signal is surprisingly strong. Only problem – ASIO4ALL doesn’t recognize the s/pdif inputs or outputs of the 1808 🙁

This could be because the digital switch is in the ESI control panel, and not on the hardware. Need to work on it….mail sent to ESI support.


Optimised the Toshiba i5, connected 10 inputs and recorded, with VST FX at reported latency of 2.9 miliseconds.

I was a little skeptical at first, but this is very usable 🙂