Pulse Control v1.1 Released for the Waldorf Pulse | Homegrown Sounds

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV4iGbdLRB4&w=400&h=255]

The most important change is the addition of 2 more Modulation Sequencers, and now they can have direct control over each Oscillators frequency. This change alone makes it possible to create sophisticated one finger style polyphonic sequences by being able to control each oscillator independently. As well as this comes 2 more Gate Sequencers with direct triggers for Envelopes 3 and 4, and also adds the ability to trigger the volume of each oscillator independently. The sequencers can also be assigned via the modulation matrix along with all other Sources.

via Pulse Control v1.1 Released for the Waldorf Pulse | Homegrown Sounds.

Waldorf-User FAQ | Envelope clicks

A click is produced when a very fast level change in the audio signal occurs. You can easily check that on your home stereo when you play back a CD and switch the Source Selector back and forth between CD and a source that doesnt play anything. The brightness of the click depends on the speed of the level change. The faster the level changes, the brighter is the click. So, the level change speed can be compared with the cutoff of a lowpass filter.

There is an easy formula for it: Lets consider a level change from full to zero or from zero to full output from one sample to another on a machine that uses 44.1kHz sample rate.

So, we first transfer the sample to milli seconds:

1 sample equals 1/44100 second, which is = 0.02267573696ms. To calculate the cutoff frequency of the click, just use this formula: Cutoff Hz = 1000 / Level Change Time ms

which in the example results in: 44100Hz = 1000 / 0.02267573696ms

via Waldorf-User FAQ | Browse PU

Waldorf Tricks – Synthesizer Wiki

Now, the Waldorf Pulse: attack 0 means 1.9ms. 1.9ms is equal to around 523 Hz with this simple calculation: 1 divided by seconds = Hz So: 1 / 0.0019 is around 523 Hz. This in turn means: you can hear a click in the attack phase that has a maximum frequency of 523Hz which is already easily noticable. When you now turn the amp attack rate to 1, you have 2 x 1.9ms = 3.8ms = 261Hz. Ah, that’s hollower. But still too bright when you play a low and hollow bass sound. When you e.g. play a hollow bass sound with around 80Hz base frequency, you have to make sure that the attack envelope is no shorter than 12.5ms to prevent *any* click. And this is an amp attack value of around 6 on the Pulse!!

Waldorf Tricks – Synthesizer Wiki.